A Message to Clients
Introducing The Care Clinic at Perley Health
In 2024, Perley Health assumed full management of the clinic on the first floor of Perley Centre across from the offices of the Perley Health Foundation.
The clinic provides a range of services related to audiology, physiotherapy along with Stuttering and Cluttering. The clinic, formerly named The Interprofessional Clinic was managed by Ontario Partners in Health. The change will improve the sustainability of the Clinic and enable the re-introduction of massage-therapy services.
The clinic will remain in the location and provide the same quality of care for the Perley Health community and residents in the National Capital Region. Services to long-term care residents will not be affected by the transition.
Andrea Liu, Manager of Interprofessional Care, will lead the transition.
For more information, please contact Andrea at x2445 or aliu@perleyhealth.ca or info@perleyhealth.ca
A Message to Clients
As of 2022, the clinic discontinued the provision of Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and some aspects of Physiotherapy.
Clients impacted by these changes, whether on the waitlist or receiving these services, are supported with a list of alternative clinics offering similar services. All client records will be retained by Perley Health for a minimum of 10 years.
Clients have the option to request their files or transfer their files to another service provider by completing a Release of Information form.
To access the Release of Information form, please contact the clinic at 613-526-7125 or via email at careclinic@perleyhealth.ca.